+994 Azerbaijan. International phone codes

The international country phone code of Azerbaijan +994

Phone code +994
Country (English) Azerbaijan
French (Français) Azerbaïdjan
Spanish (Español) Azerbaiyán
Russian (Русский) Азербайджан
Chinese (中文) 阿塞拜疆
Japanese (日本語) アゼルバイジャン
Arabic (العربية) أذربيچان
Greek (Ελληνικά) Αζερμπαϊτζάν
Swahili (Kiswahili) Azerbaijan
Hindi (हिन्दी) अज़रबैजान
Capital Baku
Region Asia
Subregion Western Asia
Flag AZ-flag
Languages Azerbaijani,Russian
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List of some cities and territories in the country «Azerbaijan»

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Determine the operator and region on phone number
NN Phone code City
1 +994 110 Barda
2 +994 111 Oguz
3 +994 113 Agdjabedi
4 +994 114 Djalilabad
5 +994 115 Devechi
6 +994 119 Balaken
7 +994 12 Baku
8 +994 135 Zardab
9 +994 136 Nahichevan
10 +994 138 Kusari
11 +994 140 Hadjigabul
12 +994 141 Eizuli
13 +994 143 Sabirabad
14 +994 144 Gakh
15 +994 145 Kyurdamir
16 +994 147 Mingechevir
17 +994 150 Gobustan
18 +994 151 Masalli
19 +994 152 Beylagan
20 +994 153 Neftechala
21 +994 154 Imishli
22 +994 157 Lerik
23 +994 159 Bilesuvar
24 +994 160 Gabala
25 +994 163 Salyan
26 +994 164 Sumgayit
27 +994 166 Yevlakh
28 +994 167 Geokchay
29 +994 168 Saatli
30 +994 169 Guba
31 +994 170 Udjar
32 +994 171 Lenkaran
33 +994 172 Hachmaz
34 +994 174 Zagatala
35 +994 175 Yardimli
36 +994 176 Shamaha
37 +994 177 Sheki
38 +994 178 Ismayilli
39 +994 18 Sumgayit
40 +994 190 Siyazan
41 +994 192 Agdam
42 +994 193 Agdash
43 +994 195 Astara
44 +994 197 Ali-Bayramli
45 +994 198 Agsu
46 +994 199 Hizi
47 +994 2020 Barda
48 +994 2021 Ujar
49 +994 2022 Agsu
50 +994 2023 Agdash
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