+251 Ethiopia. International phone codes

The international country phone code of Ethiopia +251

Phone code +251
Country (English) Ethiopia
French (Français) Éthiopie
Spanish (Español) Etiopía
Russian (Русский) Эфиопия
Chinese (中文) 埃塞俄比亚
Japanese (日本語) エチオピア
Arabic (العربية) إثيوبيا
Greek (Ελληνικά) Αιθιοπία
Swahili (Kiswahili) Ethiopia
Hindi (हिन्दी) इथियोपिया
Capital Addis Ababa
Region Africa
Subregion Eastern Africa
Flag ET-flag
Languages Amharic
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List of some cities and territories in the country «Ethiopia»

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Determine the operator and region on phone number
NN Phone code City
351 +251 58445 Nefas Mewcha, North-West Region
352 +251 58446 Worota, North-West Region
353 +251 58447 Mekane-Eyesus, North-West Region
354 +251 58448 Teda, North-West Region
355 +251 58550 Pawe, North-West Region
356 +251 58661 Motta, North-West Region
357 +251 58662 Keraniyo, North-West Region
358 +251 58663 Debre-work, North-West Region
359 +251 58664 Gunde-woin, North-West Region
360 +251 58665 Bichena, North-West Region
361 +251 58770 Mankusa, North-West Region
362 +251 58771 Debre-Markos I, North-West Region
363 +251 58772 Lumame, North-West Region
364 +251 58773 Denbecha, North-West Region
365 +251 58774 Bure, North-West Region
366 +251 58775 Finote-Selam, North-West Region
367 +251 58776 Dejen, North-West Region
368 +251 58777 Amanuel, North-West Region
369 +251 58778 Debre Markos II, North-West Region
370 +251 58779 Jiga, North-West Region
371 +251 6 Southern Region
372 +251 7 Western Region
373 +251 8 North West Region
374 +251 9 MOBILE PHONES
375 +251 911 Addis Ababa Region
376 +251 914 North Region
377 +251 915 East Region
378 +251 916 South Region
379 +251 917 West Region
380 +251 918 North-West Region
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