+251 Ethiopia. International phone codes

The international country phone code of Ethiopia +251

Phone code +251
Country (English) Ethiopia
French (Français) Éthiopie
Spanish (Español) Etiopía
Russian (Русский) Эфиопия
Chinese (中文) 埃塞俄比亚
Japanese (日本語) エチオピア
Arabic (العربية) إثيوبيا
Greek (Ελληνικά) Αιθιοπία
Swahili (Kiswahili) Ethiopia
Hindi (हिन्दी) इथियोपिया
Capital Addis Ababa
Region Africa
Subregion Eastern Africa
Flag ET-flag
Languages Amharic
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Determine the operator and region on phone number
NN Phone code City
151 +251 25441 Hirna, East Region
152 +251 25444 Miesso, East Region
153 +251 25446 Erer, East Region
154 +251 25447 Hurso, East Region
155 +251 25551 Asebe Teferi, East Region
156 +251 25554 Assebot, East Region
157 +251 25661 Alemaya, East Region
158 +251 25662 Aweday, East Region
159 +251 25665 Babile, East Region
160 +251 25666 Harar I, East Region
161 +251 25667 Harar II, East Region
162 +251 25669 Kebribeyah, East Region
163 +251 25771 Degahabur, East Region
164 +251 25772 Gursum, East Region
165 +251 25774 Kabri Dehar, East Region
166 +251 25775 Jigiga, East Region
167 +251 25776 Godie, East Region
168 +251 25777 Teferi Ber, East Region
169 +251 25779 Chinagson, East Region
170 +251 25880 Kelafo, East Region
171 +251 3 North East Region
172 +251 33110 Kabe, North-East Region
173 +251 33111 Dessie I, North-East Region
174 +251 33112 Dessie II, North-East Region
175 +251 33113 Kobo Robit, North-East Region
176 +251 33114 Akesta, North-East Region
177 +251 33116 Wore-Ilu, North-East Region
178 +251 33117 Tenta, North-East Region
179 +251 33118 Senbete, North-East Region
180 +251 33220 Mekana Selam, North-East Region
181 +251 33221 Bistima, North-East Region
182 +251 33222 Hayk, North-East Region
183 +251 33223 Mille, North-East Region
184 +251 33224 Wuchale, North-East Region
185 +251 33225 Elidar, North-East Region
186 +251 33226 Jama, North-East Region
187 +251 33330 Sirinka, North-East Region
188 +251 33331 Woldia, North-East Region
189 +251 33333 Mersa, North-East Region
190 +251 33334 Kobo, North-East Region
191 +251 33336 Lalibela, North-East Region
192 +251 33338 Bure, North-East Region
193 +251 33339 Manda, North-East Region
194 +251 33440 Sekota, North-East Region
195 +251 33444 Ansokia, North-East Region
196 +251 33550 Logia, North-East Region
197 +251 33551 Kombolcha, North-East Region
198 +251 33552 Harbu, North-East Region
199 +251 33553 Bati, North-East Region
200 +251 33554 Kemise, North-East Region
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